Crape myrtle care

Pruning tips

Pruning your crape myrtles properly will promote flowering growth, as all crape myrtles bloom on new wood. It is best done in late winter, removing basal suckers, twiggy growth, crossing branches and branches growing toward the center. This allows more air to flow through and promotes healthy growth. Also remove side branches up to a height of 4-5 feet, exposing the handsome bark of the trunks. There are a few necessary touch-ups during spring and summer. Remove any spent flowers to promote healthy, second-blooms, and thin out small, twiggy growth periodically.

Where and when should I plant?

Choosing where to plant your crape myrtle can be a big decision and there are a few factors to take into consideration. They prefer full sun, out in the open, and have adapted to just about any soil. They don’t need much fertilizer depending on the soil type; a light application of 5-10-5 fertilizer in spring when growth begins is beneficial for older plants or those growing on extremely poor soil. Crape myrtles can be planted at any time of the year, however, the best time is in late spring or summer when the plants are actively growing. Recently transplanted plants should be given a thorough soaking at the time of planting and during dry periods for the first two seasons. Don’t irrigate plants in the autumn to help the growth harden off before winter comes.